Neck Liposuction In Miami, South Miami & Coral Gables, FL

Best Doctors For Neck Liposuction In Miami

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    What Is Neck Liposuction?

    Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure for the removal of excess or stubborn body fat through a vacuum. Liposuction treatment is usually recommended when diet, exercise, or other conservative treatment methods have failed. For patients with excess chin and neck fat, neck liposuction can be performed to suction away these areas of unwanted fat, helping to improve the overall appearance of the face.

    Neck liposuction is a male and female-friendly minimally invasive procedure and is typically performed with the use of local anesthesia. This cosmetic treatment option can be completed alone or in conjunction with other cosmetic procedures, including rhinoplasty, brow lift, or cheek augmentation.

    For patients who experience loose skin after neck liposuction, neck lift surgery may also be performed. A neck lift procedure, which is indicated to help reduce wrinkles or sagging skin of the chin and neck, can be performed with or without surgery. Non-surgical neck lift and skin tightening options include laser therapy, dermal fillers, radiofrequency treatments, and ultrasound treatments, such as Ultherapy.

    For patients who maintain a healthy weight, the results after neck liposuction can be long-lasting and permanent.

    Why Is Neck Liposuction Used?

    In general, neck liposuction is used to help improve the appearance of the neck and chin by removing excess fat. Neck liposuction may be used to help:

    • Reduce the appearance of unwanted chin or neck fat
    • Create the appearance of a stronger, more defined jawline
    • Improve the proportion of facial structures in relation to one another
    • Increase confidence in patients who are self-conscious about the appearance of their chin and neck

    What Are The Benefits Of Using Neck Liposuction?

    If you are bothered, embarrassed, or self-conscious about unwanted chin or neck fat, neck liposuction may offer the following treatment benefits:

    • Reduced fat in the neck and chin
    • Improved appearance of the jawline
    • Enhanced facial proportions
    • Increased confidence

    What Does Neck Liposuction Involve?

    • Neck liposuction is performed in the comfort of your doctor’s office and involves the vacuuming or suctioning away of stubborn neck fat.
    • The procedure is typically performed under local anesthesia. Once you are comfortable and relaxed, the procedure can begin.
    • Your surgeon will carefully make one or two small incisions, either behind your ears or under your chin.
    • Next, your surgeon will gently insert a thin medical instrument known as a liposuction cannula through the incision openings.
    • Your surgeon will then suction away unwanted areas of fat while sculpting and contouring the chin and neck until desired results are achieved.
    • After the procedure is complete, you may notice bruising and swelling for about 10–14 days.
    • Your doctor may recommend you wear a medical chin strap for about three to four weeks to help support the treatment area.
    • Most patients will be able to return to work one week after surgery. All activities may be resumed around two weeks after surgery.

    Am I An Appropriate Candidate For Neck Liposuction?

    You may be an appropriate candidate for neck liposuction if:

    • You have unwanted fat around the neck and chin
    • You are in good physical and emotional health
    • You have skin with good elasticity and good skin tone
    • You have realistic expectations

    What Can I Expect During A Neck Liposuction Consultation?

    During your initial neck liposuction consultation, you will meet with the plastic surgeon and their team. Your previous surgeries, your medical history, medications you are presently taking, and your overall physical and emotional health will be reviewed. Your skin quality will also be evaluated. Your surgeon will determine what you benefit from most and what will help to achieve your desired results. Neck liposuction cost, benefits, recovery time, risks, and limitations will also be discussed. The doctor’s patient coordinator will review treatment scheduling with you.

    Patient Financing options are available at Miami Plastic Surgery® and can be discussed in more detail during your consultation.

    Schedule A Neck Liposuction Appointment

    If you are considering neck liposuction in Miami, FL with the board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Wolf at Miami Plastic Surgery®, call 305.595.2969 or fill out the form on this page to book a consultation.

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