Specializing in breast augmentation and breast implants in Miami, Florida, Miami Plastic Surgery® offers the latest technologies in the industry. These procedures leave minimal scarring and provide the fastest recovery times. These surgeries are ideal for those who have recently lost weight, have given birth, are self-conscious about their breasts or notice significant differences between their breast sizes. Request a consultation with one of our board-certified plastic surgeons to discuss your Miami breast augmentation options.
By adhering to rigorous standards that surpass even industry guidelines, our physicians take every precaution to ensure your expectations are met regarding your Miami breast augmentation. Miami Plastic Surgery®’s surgeons and your personal choices play a large role in the overall success of your surgery. For that reason, we provide in-depth information during the initial consultation, as well as take the time to answer any questions regarding the procedure.
- You will require anesthesia.
- Incisions are made either around the areola or in the armpit.
- The breast implant is placed underneath the pectoral muscle.
- Breast implants can be filled with either saline or silicone gel. Your doctor will explain the differences and suggest which would be appropriate for you.
Who Is A Good Candidate For Breast Implants?
You may be an appropriate candidate for breast augmentation if:
- You are self-conscious of breast size.
- Excessive weight loss or pregnancy has changed the size and shape of your breasts.
- You have difficulty in finding clothing that fits proportionately.
- You have significant asymmetry in breasts.
- If you are considering breast augmentation surgery, you must be fully developed, physically and emotionally healthy, and have realistic expectations of your surgery.
What Are The Different Types Of Breast Implants?
Saline Vs. Silicone Breast Implants
The major difference between saline and silicone implants is what they are filled with. Saline implants consist of an empty shell that is filled with sterile saline (salt water) solution at the time of surgery. Silicone implants also have a silicone shell but are filled with a cohesive, silicone gel. Most surgeons and patients agree that silicone implants look and feel more natural, while saline implants are firmer and less natural.
In the event of rupture, saline implants don’t impose any immediate danger as salt water is not toxic to the body and will rapidly absorb, causing the implant to noticeably deflate. When a silicone implant ruptures, it may go unnoticed as the silicone is not initially absorbed by the body. While there’s no evidence that leaking silicone gel causes serious, long-term health problems, a ruptured silicone breast implant may eventually cause breast pain or changes in shape of the breast. Both ruptured saline and silicone and implants can be removed and replaced with surgery.
There are currently three manufacturers that market FDA-approved implants in the United States. Prior to March of 2012, only Allergan and Mentor had the approval of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to sell silicone implants in the United States. Since March, a third company, Sientra has been marketing high-strength, cohesive silicone implants that are semi-solid and maintains their shape. Implants made of this type of silicone are sometimes referred to as “gummy bear” implants because when cut, they adhere just as gummy bear candy would.
The FDA requires that women be at least 18 years old to get breast augmentation with saline-filled implants, and at least 22 years old to receive silicone implants.

What Should I Expect At My Breast Augementation Consultation?
During your initial consultation, you will meet with the plastic surgeon and staff. Your previous surgeries, your medical history, medications you are presently taking, and your overall physical and emotional health will be reviewed. Your skin quality will also be evaluated. Photographs may be taken for your medical record. Your surgeon will determine what you benefit from most and whether or not additional procedures will be necessary for you to achieve your desired results. Recovery time, risks and limitations associated with surgery will also be discussed. The doctor’s patient coordinator will review surgical costs and scheduling with you.
What Is The Recovery Like?
Breast augmentation surgery is performed using general anesthesia. Immediate recovery includes observation in a recovery room until alertness is regained. You will be able to go home a few hours after your procedure but someone will need to drive you. It is also beneficial to have someone stay with you for the rest of the day once you are home to help you get around as needed and to ensure you take your pain medication at regular intervals.
Post-operative discomfort is initially reduced with prescription pain medication. You may also be more tired than usual for a few days. By the end of the first week of rest and recovery, you should be ready to switch to over-the-counter pain medication.
Physical activity is limited for at least one week after surgery. You cannot lift objects that weigh more than a few pounds and may need to avoid raising your arms overhead for a few days. You will wear a surgical bra to help minimize swelling. This can also help to manage comfort. Provided that your job is not strenuous, you may feel well enough to return to work about one week after surgery. If your job requires heavy lifting or strenuous activity, you may need to take up to 3 weeks off work.
Swelling may continue to subside for a few months after breast augmentation.

Frequently Asked Questions
How Much Does Breast Augmentation Cost?
Several factors contribute to the cost of breast augmentation surgery and breast implants, including the type of implants that are selected, surgical fees, anesthesia fees, and medical supplies. We provide detailed information to patients once a determination has been made regarding surgical specifics.

Are Breast Implants Covered By Insurance?
Breast augmentation surgery is considered cosmetic and is therefore elective and ineligible for insurance coverage. The exception is in the case of mastectomy. If you have had this procedure as a part of breast cancer treatment, you should have some type of coverage for breast implants during your reconstruction phase of care.
Why Choose Miami Plastic Surgery® For A Miami Breast Augmentation?
The surgeons at Miami Plastic Surgery® will make sure you get the best treatment for your aesthetic and personal goals. Patient financing options are available. If you are thinking about breast implants in Miami it can be discussed in more detail during your consultation at Miami Plastic Surgery®.
If you are considering breast augmentation in Miami, FL with the board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Polo or Dr. Altman at Miami Plastic Surgery®, call 305.595.2969 or fill out the form on this page to book a consultation for a Miami Plastic Surgery breast augmentation.