5 Great Reasons to Get Eyelid Surgery in Miami

Eyelid surgery

Over time, aging can take a toll on the delicate area surrounding the eyes. This is usually the first place that people notice abnormal changes like bags under the eyes if someone is extremely tired. This sensitive area can also be affected by the weather, environmental irritants, illness and trauma to the site. More individuals are opting to have surgery on their eyes. There are 5 great reasons to get eyelid surgery in Miami.

  1. Aging Can Cause the Delicate Eye Area to Look Old: Aging tends to show first in the facial features. More specifically, the fragile eye area often shows age quicker than other areas. This can happen at anytime, but most will see telltale crow’s feet around the eye region at some time near the age of 40. Individuals begin to lose the fat deposits responsible for giving the eyes and face a youthful appearance as the person ages. A skilled surgeon can remedy these issues.
  2. Droopy Eyelids That Begin to Obstruct Vision: The effects of gravity are readily seen around the eyes. Many individuals notice that their eyelids begin to droop downwards. This can even obstruct vision if the issue is not addressed and treated. This drooping can occur on the upper eyelid, the lower eye area or both concurrently. There are scores of men and women that have seen marked improvement after having a rejuvenating eyelid surgery also known as blepharoplasty by a Miami plastic surgeon who excels at this very delicate surgical work.
  3. Excessive Weight Gain or Loss Affecting Eye Area: Rapid changes in a person’s weight can directly cause the skin around the eyes to become less than ideal. As the tender under eye area stretches and contracts during the weight fluctuations, the result is often thinner and frail skin tissue or wrinkly creases caused by skin stretching and sagging.
  4. Extensive Sun, Wind and Other Damage to the Eye Region: Individuals that spend a lot of time outdoors often develop facial skin issues that may be more intense in the fragile eye area. Those that experience extensive sun, wind and other environmental skin irritants often develop eye concerns.
  5. Dry Eyes, Irritation, Illness and Other Common Eye Concerns can benefit from Eyelid Surgery in Miami: Individuals that suffer dry eyes, irritation, sickness or allergies can often benefit from eyelid surgery at Miami Plastic Surgery.

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