A Miami winter isn’t exactly comparable to one in Erie, Pennsylvania or Cleveland, Ohio, but it’s not like we’re all running out to head to Key Biscayne or South Beach either. That means this is the perfect time to work on your body to be ready for next spring and summer’s beach season.
At Miami Plastic Surgery, we have all the tools you need — whether you want to get rid about a quarter of the unwanted fat in the treated area non-invasively with CoolSculpting; whether you want to tighten a sagging lower abdomen with a surgical tummy tuck; or whether you want to target the areas impacted by having children with a mommy makeover.
If you’re not interested in surgery, CoolSculpting is the world’s most popular non-invasive option for removing unwanted fat. CoolSculpting came out of research two Harvard scientists were doing into why children who ate lots of popsicles seemed to have more dimples in their cheeks. They theorized that the freezing temperatures of the popsicles somehow affected fat in the area, hence the formation of dimples. They discovered that fat cells freeze at a higher temperature than adjacent skin and muscle cells. Voila, CoolSculpting.
In CoolSculpting, cooling panels are used to suction up the skin and fat layer of the target area. Then controlled cooling is directed downward into the skin. This kills the fat cells, while not harming the other cells. Then the body uses the lymphatic system to remove the dead fat cells from the body. CoolSculpting removes up to 24 percent of the fat in the treated areas, all without a single incision or minute of downtime. But it does take about three months for the entire process to get rid of the fat cells and the skin to tighten down, so now’s the time to come see us at Miami Plastic Surgery.
Tummy tucks and mommy makeovers
Tummy tucks are surgery to give you back the flat tummy you had in your younger days. Your MPS surgeon makes one incision from hipbone to hipbone, descending to the pubic area to hide the incision under a bathing suit bottom. He then brings separated stomach muscles back to the center and tightens others. He removes fat pockets. And then the skin is pulled down and excess skin is trimmed. For a full tuck, a second incision in or around the belly button addresses sagging above the navel. Tummy tucks require a lengthy recovery, due to the long incision, so now’s the time so you’re recovered come spring and summer.
Mommy makeovers include a tummy tuck, plus a breast lift (with or without augmentation), and liposuction. The goal is to target all of the changes made in a woman’s figure by pregnancy, delivery, and breastfeeding. As you would imagine, combining three surgical procedures into a single surgical session will require an involved recovery. Still, it’s only a single recovery instead of three separate ones. Again, now is the time to allow for a wintertime recovery.
Ready to get that summer beach body now? Call the team at Miami Plastic Surgery, 305.595.2969, and set up a consultation at one of our three locations.