Even if you’ve decided to go ahead with that butt augmentation procedure, you may still have some questions and concerns. One thing to think about is what your recovery from butt augmentation will be like – read on for some information on what you can expect.
The butt augmentation procedure
Butt augmentation, also known as a “Brazilian butt lift,” is the perfect procedure for patients who aren’t happy with the shape of their buttocks. The volume and shape of the buttocks are improved by taking fat from one area of the body and then transferring it to the buttocks in an aesthetically pleasing way. It is an out-patient procedure that typically takes about 2 hours to complete, and it does require anesthesia. You should be healthy and of normal weight before a butt augmentation.
Your recovery
It is important to remember that you won’t see the results of your augmentation until the swelling goes down. Recovery will take about 2 to 3 weeks, and it is recommended that you take off about 3 weeks from work. Here are some other things you should know about your recovery period:
• You should limit your time sitting as much as possible. You should avoid putting weight or pressure on your buttocks. Lying down is best (resting on your stomach or your side), and if you have to sit you should raise the buttocks up, with your weight on your thighs or abdomen.
• You should wait for about a month (or more) before resuming your workout routine.
• You should pamper yourself while you recover! Take care of yourself – nap and relax, and ask friends and family to run errands for you (after all, you shouldn’t be sitting to drive anyway).
• You will have to wear a compression garment after the procedure.
• Make sure that you follow your doctor’s other instructions for a successful, quick recovery.
Do you have any other questions about butt augmentation or what your recovery will be like? The staff at Miami Plastic Surgery® can answer all of your questions while giving you expert care. Call (305) 595-2969 today to make a butt augmentation consultation appointment!